Workplace Happiness – Why It Matters

A happier workplace is a win-win situation for everyone involved. When employees are happy, they can thrive. And since a happier workforce is a more productive workforce, employers and business can benefit too.

A happier workplace is a win-win situation for everyone involved. When employees are happy, they can thrive at what they do. What's more, their happiness can help to boost the morale of their colleagues. And since a happier workforce is a more productive workforce, employers can benefit too.

40% of workers would put more energy into their jobs if they were recognized on a regular basis. - harvard business review

A happier workplace is a win-win situation for both employees and employers alike. Why? Because happy employees are the foundation of a successful business…

Happy employees are the foundation of a successful business

(RETENTION) Happy employees stay longer. (don't let your best employees get away!)

Employees are the foundation for any successful business. Without productive, hard-working staff, businesses struggle to meet their goals and morale suffers. As an employer,  it can be difficult to find good employees, and to keep hold of them.

Studies show that happiness at work and employee retention are closely linked. Research conducted by Standout CV found that happy employees would stay with their current employers 7x longer than those who felt dissatisfied in their jobs. 

For those employees that do leave, replacing them can be costly. Companies must spend considerable time and money advertising jobs, recruiting candidates, screening resumes, conducting interviews and training new employees. 

Employee retention then is essential, and if you don't want your best employees get away, creating a positive and happy environment for them to work in is vital for encouraging them to stay with you.

Happy staff will stay with their employers 7 times longer than unhappy employees - standout cv

Losing an employee costs on average 33% of their annual salary - tinypulse

A happier workforce is a more productive workforce

Happy employees are more productive

When employees are happy, they can thrive at what they do. Their performance is energised with greater levels of creativity, focus, motivation and engagement.

A study by KnightFrank found that workers are 18% more productive when they are happy, with companies seeing a 37% increase in sales. Whilst research by Gitnux revealed that organisations with high employee happiness outperform their competitors by a whopping 202%!

By creating an enjoyable place to work, employees will be want to go the extra mile to contribute towards the success of the company.

Employee happiness has been reported to increase sales by 37% and boost productivity by 18% - knightfrank

Organizations with high employee happiness outperform low employee satisfaction companies by 202% - GITNUX

Team work makes the dream work??

Happy employees tend to be more cooperative and work well with others. And since happiness is contagious, the positivity and support they show towards their colleagues can help to boost team morale and creates a better work environment for everyone.

Not just confined to the workplace...

Feeling happy and content at work can influence all aspects of an employee's life, from relationships to their general wellbeing.

Happy employees are likely to be:

** image?**

  • More optimistic: Happy people have a more positive outlook on life and are more likely to believe in themselves and their abilities. This can lead to greater success in both personal and professional life.
  • More creative: Happiness can spark creativity and innovation. When we are happy and relaxed, we are more likely to come up with new ideas and solutions to problems.
  • Healthier: Happiness is linked to a number of health benefits, including lower blood pressure, stronger immune system and reduced risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
  • More energetic: Happy people tend to have more energy and feel less fatigued. This is because happiness is associated with increased levels of dopamine and serotonin, which are neurotransmitters that play a role in energy levels.
  • More resilient: Happiness can help us to build resilience and cope with stress more effectively. When we are happy, we are better able to bounce back from setbacks and challenges.
  • More sociable: Happy people tend to be more confident, friendly and outgoing, helping them to form stronger social connections and relationships with others, both in their home life and in the workplace with colleagues.

A happier workplace is a win-win situation for everyone involved. When employees are happy, employers are happy. Why? Because happy employees are the foundation of a successful business…

Happier employees can thrive at what they do. Their performance is energised, with greater levels of creativity, motivation, engagement and productivity.

What’s more, their happiness can help to boost the morale of their colleagues, creating a better work environment for everyone.

Happier employees are also less likely to call in sick and are more likely to stay with the company long-term.

In turn, employers can benefit from having a more productive and engaged workforce that drives the business forward. They can also save money on healthcare costs and employee turnover.

Happiness at work is about:

  • Having meaningful work
  • Building healthy relationships with colleagues
  • Having opportunities for growth and development
  • Enjoying your work

How is workplace happiness beneficial to employers

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